Jason Slattery, Director of Solar for GEM Energy, a Rudolph/Libbe Company and Top 400 Solar Contractor, answers common questions businesses ask about going solar and how to answer them.
What insurance will I need if I own a solar array?
The title owner needs to fully cover the solar array’s value under a property and liability insurance policy.
How will a third-party-owned solar array affect my business liability insurance?
If the solar array is third-party-owned, the system owner needs to cover property and liability coverage. If the array is fully covered under this third-party-owner, there should be no need for additional coverage. It is recommended that property owners consult their existing insurers for guidance. If the array is direct-owned, property and liability coverage in the amount of the solar system needs to be in place.
Do you need to list solar as an accessory structure or property?
Solar is defined under IRS classifications as equipment. It is not part of the permanent structure.
What happens in case of a building fire?
Solar arrays should be properly grounded. If proper photovoltaic design practices are followed, solar will not contribute to a fire. Proper means of disconnect should be designed and processes put in place with all local police and fire responders to properly disconnect and make safe live power generation devices, such as a solar array. Damage to the array because of fire should be covered under the property and liability insurance that would be covering the value of the solar array. SPW