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Retrofitting backup power to a string inverter system


Retrofitting Backup Power to a String Inverter System


The vast majority of grid tie PV systems are useless when grid failures occur. They shut down at the very time that the electricity generated on site is most needed. This does not need to be the case. There are a number of ways to ensure that a PV array does not become stranded during utility outages, the common thread between them all is that they utilize energy storage, additional inverters and a variety of different power electronics depending on the system design. It is also, in most cases, the most costly option.

To read the full article from Morningstar go here

Solar Power World

Conergy moves into asset ownership


Conergy, one of the largest downstream solar companies operating globally, announces a strategic move into selective asset ownership with a new regional leadership team to execute the company’s plan to become a solar independent power producer (IPP) starting in the Americas.

“This is a strategic move that will build on Conergy’s key strengths in the Americas and seventeen years of solar experience globally,” said Andrew de Pass, CEO of Conergy. “We’ve put the right team in place — with a quarter century of relevant experience — to execute on the plan.”

Conergy specializes in the development, finance, construction and long-term maintenance of rooftop and ground mount solar. Operating in sixteen countries, Conergy has built over a GW of solar and is contracted for over 500 MW of Operations and Maintenance (O&M).

The first projects Conergy has taken under direct ownership are a portfolio of five ground mount projects in North Carolina, totaling 28 MW. Conergy completed construction of these five installations in September and will sell the electricity to Duke Energy under a 15-year PPA.

Yann Brandt will take the leadership role of Region Head of The Americas. Formerly Head of Global Marketing & PR at Conergy, Yann will now take development and operations responsibility for Conergy in North America, Central America, the Caribbean and South America. Yann has over a decade of solar experience. Yann is also the founder and managing editor of SolarWakeup, a daily newsletter that thousands of solar industry professionals have been reading since 2012.

“I’m excited to lead Conergy across the Americas at a time when the markets are strong. Conergy brings access to capital, flexibility, and an outstanding development team with outside-of-the-box thinking,” said Brandt. “We are well under way developing high-quality solar assets to own and operate in the Americas.”

David Munksy and Michael Cocchimiglio, who have been with Conergy since April 2015, will serve as Co-Heads of Rooftop and Ground Mount Solar Development in the Americas. David has over seven years of solar development and finance experience and joined Conergy from Nautilus Solar. Michael has over eight years of solar development and operations experience and joined Conergy from ConEdison Solutions. Since joining in April, David and Michael have helped Conergy develop over 127 MW of solar and well over $100 million in project financing.

This announcement follows a series of accomplishments by Conergy globally. Recently, Conergy won 60MW of projects in Brazil’s highly competitive auctions and upsized its bank guarantee facility to $75 million with funding from Tennenbaum Capital Partners and Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc.



Solar Power World

Valentin Software to launch PV*SOL premium 2016


Berlin-based Valentin Software will launch the next generation of its design software PV*SOL premium at the end of this year. With significant new features, PV*SOL premium 2016 will make the process of designing a PV system even easier and faster.

As with previous versions, the shading analysis of roof and ground-mounted systems in 3D mode is the central feature of PV*SOL premium 2016. It calculates how often the modules are covered by shade, and how this affects the system yield, presenting the results graphically. All shading objects can be freely selected and placed anywhere on the ground or building.

New: import of satellite maps
New in PV*SOL premium 2016 is the possibility of importing floor plans, cadastral maps and screenshots from web-based satellite maps (e.g. Google Earth) directly into the 3D visualization and then including them in users’ projects to scale. The dimensions, orientation and the mutual distances of 3D objects (buildings, trees) can therefore be determined easily and without an on-site appointment. By tracing a floor plan, the program can automatically detect and create the standard 3D objects. It then adjusts the dimensions, orientation and position of the object in the plan.
Even without the import of satellite maps, working with 3D objects has become easier with PV*SOL premium 2016. For example, any polygonal floor plan shapes can be drawn and all roof areas are produced with the main dimensions in a plan. Export to popular CAD programs is possible. This plan can be used directly by local installers on-site to build the plant.

Exact simulation with minute values
With the newly introduced minute simulation, users can now precisely map both self-consumption and inverter oversizing, as well as the interaction of solar power systems with battery storage. “Calculations with the usual hourly values are not always sufficient for the current requirements of network operators”, explains Managing Director Dr. Gerhard Valentin. Moreover, Valentin Software has integrated a specially developed mathematical model for lithium-iron-phosphate and lithium-nickel-oxide batteries into the new programs and also includes complete battery systems in the database.

Another new addition is the tracking of module arrays. The single axis tracking allows both azimuth guided systems as well as systems with east-west tracking to be mapped. With both single and dual axis tracking, it is possible to restrict the tracking angle.

The main features include the precise calculation of self-consumption, as PV*SOL premium 2016 also maps power storage in battery systems. Electricity load profiles are imported by the program on the basis of hourly, 15-minute or minute values, which considerably facilitates the input of the load curve.

More flexibility with component selection
In addition, the number of possible sub-arrays per PV system with PV*SOL premium 2016 is now unlimited, which increases flexibility as well as the maximum system size. Users can select different inverters and combine them as wished. The automatic configuration shows in just seconds all of the useful inverter combinations, also in 3D mode. The newly-added display of rafters and roof battens means that the optimal placement of a module array can now be more accurately fitted to the actual conditions on-site.

The energy balance for the entire system is presented in PV*SOL premium 2016 in an extensive table, which simplifies system control. Detailed project reports for network operators and customers, and the automatically generated circuit diagram for grid connection provide for added transparency and safety.

The new software is available in English, French, German, Italian, Polish and Spanish. As with previous versions, Valentin also offers PV*SOL premium 2016 training courses, as well as free webinars for beginners.


Solar Power World

Getting your off-grid solar system ready for winter

Author and Backwoods Technician Alan getting his system ready for winter.

Author and Backwoods Technician Alan getting his system ready for winter.

This article was originally published on BackwoodsSolar.com, and written by technician Alan Smith.

Preparing for winter is best practice for extending the life of your off-grid power system, especially for those of you in cold and snowy climates.

Now is a good time to review the maintenance and condition of your power system (even for those of you in warm and dry climates).

It’s better to check on your system at your convenience rather than when something goes wrong in the middle of the night in three feet of snow or a flash flood. Here are the things you should check on and look into if something seems out of place.

Seasonal Angle: For Greater Energy Harvest & Shedding of Snow
If you have an adjustable rack mount for your panels, it is worth tilting them to the ideal angle to properly capture the winter sun.

An appropriate angle can make a big difference in the amount of power collected, especially during the shorter, cloudier days of the winter when sunshine is at a premium.

The ideal angle for your panels is easy to determine. Use the latitude of your location and add 15 degrees. The result is the angle of tilt of the panels, measured up from horizontal that will yield the best harvest during the winter months.

Example:  Sandpoint, Idaho is at 48 degrees north. Ideal winter angle is 48 + 15 = 63 degrees. 

For the folks that have vacation cabins that may only be visited once a month or so during the winter, consider a steeper angle to accommodate easier shedding of snow.

Clear Off the Snow
Remembering to clear off the snow seems obvious, right? Keep a broom or brush on a telescoping handle if needed and clear any freshly fallen snow off the panels on a routine basis.
If you let the snow sit and freeze on the panels, it will take that much longer until your panels are able to collect solar rays again.

It’s a horrible feeling to be sitting at work, when the grey skies open up to sunshine, and you know your array is sitting at home with six inches of snow on it. Make it a regular habit to brush them off whenever it snows.

Generator Tune-up
Now is the time to do your annual generator maintenance. Besides the basics-oil, belts, coolant level, air filter, and spark plugs-be sure to check your owner’s manual for items specific to your machine. Check on the starter battery. If the generator has not been run since the previous winter, it is very likely that the starter battery may be dead or heavily discharged. Replace or recharge it before you need it.

Off-Grid Batteries
Batteries can be kept in a relatively cold area, with a couple of considerations. First, the energy storage capacity of batteries in a cold climate is temporarily reduced. Instrumentation such as battery monitors can be fine-tuned to reflect a more accurate state of charge.

Temperature sensors for both your charge controller and inverter/charger should also be used for optimum charging points of your batteries. Fully charged batteries, being used on a daily basis, will not freeze until the temperature drops to -70 degrees F. A battery at 50% state of charge, though, can freeze in temperatures as “warm” as -10 degrees F.

Don’t let the batteries get too low. The sulfuric acid in batteries that are being stored or lightly used will tend to stratify. This means that the water begins to separate out from the solution, resulting in layers more like water near the top of the battery and denser layers of sulfuric acid towards the bottom. If this occurs, it is very possible for the water layer to freeze at temperatures near 32 degrees F and crack the battery casing.

This solar panel is angled and clean ready for optimum harvest

This solar panel is angled and clean ready for optimum harvest

Extended Leave
When the power system will be unattended for extended periods of time, we have to make the best of a non-ideal situation.

Flooded lead acid batteries respond best to daily use, so depending on your installation and equipment there is a couple of options available.

Opinions on the best approach will vary. If you have an automatic generator start (AGS) function tied to your inverter/charger and you consider your generator to be highly reliable, the inverter can be left on so that a charging source is available if the panels become covered in snow.

If you do not have AGS, turn the inverter off. Turn all DC loads off. Leave the charge controller on, with the goal of supplying at least a bit of float charge to the batteries each week.

If available, ask a neighbor to check your array after any major snow storm to brush the snow off. One school of thought suggests reducing voltage settings, to reduce water consumption, and setting the equalization to automatically occur once per month.

Tuning Gear, More Panels, & Winter Behavior
The sun tends to be shy in the winter. Let’s take advantage of the days it does show up. An experienced system owner will know how their system responds to normal charging and equalizing. Consider increasing the absorb time and the equalize settings on your charge controller for the winter months.

Keep a notebook handy in your power room and write-down the summer and winter settings that you find work best, so you know what to change them back to when the seasons change. Search mode on an inverter should be enabled year-round, but especially so during the winter. A couple hundred watt-hours per day can make a big difference.

How Many Solar Panels Should I Get?
You honestly can never have too many solar panels, we can all agree on that. How much is too much though?
It depends on your geographical seasonal factors and budgets. The idea being that, if you can manage to get one good sunny day a week during the winter, you’ll really harvest some good power and minimize your generator run-time and fuel use. Long time off-gridders will tell you they simply change their behavior during the winter months.
For example, leaving the coffee pot on for an hour is fine in the bountiful sunny days of summer, but the coffee maker gets turned off after 15 minutes in the winter, and the coffee goes into a thermos. Or better yet, wait until you get into work and make the coffee there! Less TV time and more book reading cuts down on the power used too.
Simple conservation in several small steps (replace light bulbs with LED’s) can add up to a big difference in the amount of power needed during the winter. It’s better to take care of your system now, than to experience failures at the most miserable time imaginable.

Routine maintenance and a thorough knowledge of how your system responds to your daily usage will serve you well, not only for the winter, but for the lifespan of your system as well.

Stay warm and don’t forget to keep your snow chains, a shovel, and a bag of sand in the trunk of your car! If you’re interested in fine-tuning your off-grid power system or setting one up for winter.

Solar Power World

Price of U.S. solar energy has fallen to 5¢/kWh on average


Solar energy pricing is at an all-time low, according to a new report released by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab).  Driven by lower installed costs, improved project performance, and a race to build projects ahead of a reduction in a key federal incentive, utility-scale solar project developers have been negotiating power sales agreements with utilities at prices averaging just 5¢/kWh.  These prices reflect receipt of the 30% federal investment tax credit, which is scheduled to decline to 10% after 2016, and would be higher if not for that incentive.  By comparison, average wholesale electricity prices across the United States ranged from 3 to 6 cents/kWh in 2014, depending on the region.

solarppaKey findings from Berkeley Lab’s latest “Utility-Scale Solar” report – which each year draws upon large volumes of empirical data to identify key trends in project costs, performance, and pricing among ground-mounted solar projects larger than 5 megawatts (MW) – include the following:

Installed project costs have fallen by more than 50% since 2009.  Median up-front project costs have dropped from around $6.3/W in 2009 to $3.1/W for projects completed in 2014.  Some projects built in 2014 were priced as low as $2/W, and the 20th percentile of the sample declined sharply from $3.2/W in 2013 to $2.3/W in 2014.  (All numbers are reported in AC watts and 2014 dollars.)

Newer solar projects generate electricity more efficiently.  Projects completed in 2013 performed at an average capacity factor of 29.4% (in AC terms) in 2014 – a notable improvement over the 26.3% and 24.5% average 2014 capacity factors realized by projects built in 2012 and 2011, respectively.  This improvement among more-recent project vintages is due to a combination of several trends:  newer projects have been sited in better solar resource areas on average, and have increasingly oversized the solar collector field and/or employed tracking technology to increase energy capture.

Solar power purchase agreement prices have fallen to new lows, making solar an increasingly cost-competitive option for utilities.  The improvements in up-front installed costs and capacity factors mentioned above have helped to drive power purchase agreement (PPA) prices to new lows, with PPAs now regularly being signed at prices of 5 cents/kWh or less.  Particularly in the Southwest where the solar resource is strongest, there appears to be a deep market at these low prices, as evidenced by several recent utility solicitations for solar energy that have been heavily oversubscribed, with many of the unsuccessful projects offering prices similar to the winning projects.  Declining PPA prices have also made utility-scale solar increasingly competitive outside of the traditional stronghold of the Southwest, with recent contract announcements in states like Arkansas (at ~5 cents/kWh) and Alabama (at ~6 cents/kWh) that have not previously seen much solar development.

A strong pipeline of projects under development reflects utility-scale solar’s increasing competitiveness.  There were nearly 45,000 MW of solar capacity making their way through various interconnection queues across the country at the end of 2014 – more than five times the installed capacity base at the time.  In another sign of a broadening market, much of the new solar capacity that entered these queues in 2014 is located in regions outside of California and the Southwest, such as Texas and the Southeast.  Though not all of the capacity in these queues will ultimately be built, presumably most of those projects that are able to proceed will try to reach commercial operation prior to 2017, when the 30% federal investment tax credit is scheduled to decline to 10%.  This looming deadline suggests a frenzied pace of construction over the next 15 months – as well as a wealth of new data to analyze in future editions of this report.

This work was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s SunShot Initiative within the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.

Solar Power World

OpTerra Energy brings 12 MW of solar to California county


The County of Riverside is powering progress through renewable energy, flipping the switch on its first facility to be powered by the sun as part of the largest countywide conversion to solar ever launched in the United States. Through a collaborative partnership with OpTerra Energy Services, the County celebrated the ongoing implementation of 12 MW of solar across 10 sites, starting with the energization of the Perris Sheriff Station today.

OpTerra Energy Services presents Leadership in Renewable Energy award to Riverside County during Flip the Switch Celebration on Sept. 29, 2015.

OpTerra Energy Services presents Leadership in Renewable Energy award to Riverside County during Flip the Switch Celebration on Sept. 29, 2015.

Let the Sun Shine
With almost 300 days of Southern California sunshine a year, Riverside County was eager to take advantage of their prime real estate for renewable power. The 12-MW solar program will generate 18.6 million kWh of clean, renewable energy annually. The implementation of solar photovoltaic arrays will power and enhance the energy portfolio of 10 critical facilities tied to community services – including two sheriff stations, an animal shelter, and even the County health center.

Riverside County’s historic solar program is part of a broader effort to continue fostering a more sustainable region, focused on ongoing fiscal stewardship and community engagement across the County. The program will have far-reaching impacts across County cities from San Jacinto, Jurupa Valley, Palm Desert, Temecula, Moreno Valley, and Perris. Residents will benefit from the County’s ownership of these new assets, with the program expected to generate approximately $200 million in taxpayer savings over the next 30 years.

Accolades for Ownership
During Tuesday’s flip the switch celebration, local leaders recognized the County Board of Supervisors’ leadership in ensuring the long-term ownership of their new solar system. Requiring no public capital investment, the County’s far-reaching solar footprint utilizes energy savings to pay for all site installations happening through the end of 2015. Additionally, the County took advantage of Southern California Edison’s Bill Credit Transfer Program to use excess energy generated at solar project sites to reduce expenses at those County-owned facilities that pay the highest utility rates.

By purchasing their new solar infrastructure outright, the County will own the system and enable even greater long term fiscal benefits than those anticipated over the 30-year life of the program.

Powering Progress
The solar installations will go beyond fiscal savings and provide significant impact on County goals tied to enhancing economic development and quality of life. Some of the many community-focused benefits being captured as program implementation happens this year include:

  • Over 1,000 jobs to be created over the lifetime of the program, with 287 jobs created during construction
  • 80% local labor used for the project
  • 40% offset of the County’s total energy consumption for its 26 facilities
  • 385,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide offset over the lifetime of the project

From a comfort level, providing shaded canopies for County residents and employees over existing parking lots across county facilities is a major win for the County as well. Protecting cars from the scorching sun in one of the hottest climates in the country is no small footnote – this benefit was especially pronounced at the Perris Sheriff Station where temperatures inside patrol vehicles can reach over 120 degrees. Shaded canopies keep employees comfortable, while helping prolong the useful life of vehicles by reducing heat related wear and tear.

More Success on the Horizon
As more County facilities’ solar installations go online through the end of the year, the County is excited to promote the ongoing positive impact at future community events. The greenhouse gas emissions that will be reduced by this far-reaching project represent the equivalent to removing over 80,000 cars off the road – improving environmental and social outcomes for residents in myriad ways that go further than just fiscal savings.

Solar Power World

Wiser Capital report shows Northeast primed for a solar boom


A new solar boom is upon the Northeast U.S., according to the “2015 Solar Economy Barometer” from financial services firm Wiser Capital. Over 274,637 commercial buildings in the Northeast fit the site parameters required for a mid-scale commercial solar facility that collectively could produce 94,733 MW of renewable energy. In turn, this untapped market potential translates to approximately $67.5 billion in investment opportunity for the entire region.

“Many people assume that a sunny state like Texas or Florida are automatically a good market for solar, but that’s simply not the case,” said Nathan Homan, Executive Director, Wiser Capital. “Adequate sun for solar electricity exists across the US. The Northeast is a prime market for solar due to available commercial roof space, higher than average utility rates and regional incentives.”

Given their geographical size and land development characteristics it’s not surprising New York, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts hold the highest number of commercial buildings with solar potential. But available roof space does not make a market in and of itself. With consideration for costs and incentives, New York and Massachusetts will lead the new solar energy boom in the Northeast.

The 2015 Solar Economy Barometer reveals that 29.71% (28,401 MW) of the commercial buildings optimal for solar in the Northeast are located in New York, and 17.09% (15,975 MW) in Massachusetts. It defines a mid-scale commercial solar facility as being between 50kW to 2MW and on average capable of housing a 350kW system.

Solar opportunity in the Northeast.

Solar opportunity in the Northeast.

Northeast solar boom will deliver huge energy cost savings to corporations

The 2015 Solar Economy Barometer also reveals that the Northeast’s commercial solar potential stands to deliver huge cost savings to corporations in these states, as well as environmental benefits.

According to the 2015 Solar Economy Barometer, in Massachusetts a typical 350kW system that covers 80% of electricity use for a commercial entity consuming approximately 38,500kWh/month would achieve cumulative savings of $999,763 over a 25-year period. This is helped given the strong SREC (Solar Renewable Energy Credit) market in Massachusetts, and the considerably lower escalator rates of a solar PPA (power purchase agreement) over historical utility cost increases.

In New York a typical 350kW system in ConEdison territory would cover 80% of the electricity use for a business consuming 43,000 kWh/month due to greater solar access but would require a lower cost to install than Massachusetts to achieve cumulative savings of over $1 million during a 25-year PPA term. While New York doesn’t have an SREC market, the project is aided by a three year performance-based incentive.

“The untapped solar potential, now being made possible by strong policies and unlocking the mid-scale commercial solar investment market, stands to deliver significant electricity cost savings and electricity price certainty to corporations in the Northeast,” Homan continued. “We expect to see considerable movement, growth and activity in the mid-scale commercial solar space in the coming year as corporations look to take advantage of the environmental, and now even more compelling economic benefits.”

Total investments required for Northeast solar boom and strong returns

In addition to vetting commercial buildings’ feasibility for solar development and identifying savings for corporations over a 25-year period, the 2015 Solar Economy Barometer concludes the total investment potential in the Northeast market is $67.5 billion, with New York alone representing a potential of $20 billion and Massachusetts requiring $11.5 billion.

Homan further comments: “In order for these mid-sized corporations across the Northeast to generate significant savings on their electricity usage, you first need to attract investor interest. Our study demonstrates that this region has a strong mix of returns, real estate, stable metering, enticing incentive policies and the needed solar assets to make for a strong opportunity.

Research methodology

In compiling the 2015 Solar Economy Barometer Wiser Capital’s Markets and Origination team analyzed the solar economy in nine Northeast states: New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. It analyzed data from Open PV, GreenTech Media, the EIA’s Annual Electricity Report, SREC markets in each state and proprietary data from Wiser Capital’s platform. The analysis looked at historical trends and proprietary Wiser Capital data to extrapolate and estimate the current mid-scale commercial solar market potential.

Solar Power World

PVComplete adds NREL’s system advisor model


PVComplete announced the release of a new version of its eponymous solar CAD software. The latest PVComplete software features integrated energy production modeling of solar PV modules using NREL’s System Advisor Model (SAM). Now, with the click of a button, solar project designers can get annual and hourly solar energy production estimates for their project designs from right within the AutoCAD environment.

“The ability to get real-time feedback on energy production is hugely valuable says Daniel Sherwood, President and co-founder of PVComplete. “I’ll use it, for example, to compare the effects of energy production on an array that is aligned with the building roof vs. an array that is facing due south. Or, I can face my array towards the west, and check the hourly 8760 data from SAM to determine how that might affect a customer’s TOU rate. Integration went smoothly with the help of the engineers at NREL, they have been very supportive and they do such great work.”

The National Renewal Energy Lab (NREL) created the first public version of SAM in 2007, making it possible for solar energy professionals to analyze photovoltaic systems. NREL has improved upon the model each year adding new technologies and financing options. Since the first public release of SAM, over 35,000 people — manufacturers, project developers, academic researchers, and policymakers — have downloaded the software. Project developers use SAM to evaluate different system configurations, so they can maximize earnings from electricity sales. But until now, SAM has been limited to a desktop application. PVComplete has moved that functionality into the cloud.

tenKsolar’s VP of Marketing, Tim Johnson adds “SAM has been an invaluable tool for modeling the energy output in tenKsolar’s PV system. SAM has proved to be reliable over the years and we have received concurrence from several independent engineers of the accuracy of SAM’s production estimates. We are looking forward to running SAM simulations easily using PVComplete.”

Solar Power World

SnapNrack introduces a junction box and trunk cable clamp


SnapNrack, a manufacturer of solar panel mounting solutions, has announced a new Junction Box and Trunk Cable Clamp, which will further enhance the company’s wire management solutions that reduce solar installation times and lower installations costs.

The SnapNrack UL-listed Junction Box saves installation time and cost over current solutions while improving safety and reliability over the life of the system. Expertly designed to be 6” x 5” x 3” and fully integrated with DIN rail mounts inside, it is large enough for wire management but small enough to be adaptable to any mounting configuration.

All that is needed for a quick and easy installation is a single 1⁄2” socket along with the standard Snap-In features that SnapNrack is known for. A large temperature range of -40F to 185F in combination with a NEMA 4X rating will allow it to hold up in the most extreme environments, while an aesthetic black color will provide full UV protection to extend the life of the box and its contents.

In addition to the Junction Box, the Trunk Cable Clamp offers a strong and reliable solution for securing 1-2 Micro-Inverter trunk cables along SnapNrack Rail Channels, transitioning in and out of channels, and even routing across rails. As a high quality alternative to plastic zip ties, the SnapNrack Trunk Cable Clamp works with all known Micro-Inverter AC Trunk Cable diameters and is made up of fiber reinforced resin developed for high UV exposure as well as to handle the extreme temperature range of a rooftop (rated for -40F to 185F).SnapNrack’s line of wire management solutions also include the SnapNrack 4-Wire Clamp, which provide the same benefits as the trunk cable clamp but for PV cables as well as the Wire Clip that is designed to cover and hold all electrical conductors in the rail channel.

Combining these with SnapNrack’s Standard Rail channels will not only provide a high quality full wire management system, but will provide a faster and easier installation as SnapNrack customers can now purchase the entire wire management product line through their authorized SnapNrack Distributor. To locate and contact a SnapNrack Distributor, please access the full list on the SnapNrack website: www.snapnrack.com/buy.

Solar Power World

Array Technologies finalizes shipments to E.ON’s Maricopa West solar project


Array Technologies, Inc. (ATI) has completed DuraTrack HZ shipments to the 20 MW (ac) Maricopa West solar project for E.ON Solar, a subsidiary of E.ON SE, a global leader in energy solutions. Located in Kern County, California, the solar plant will benefit from reliable and proven performance of the DuraTrack HZ single-axis solar tracker, ensuring maximum onsite energy generation for the Maricopa West project.

To guarantee fast installation rates, ATI’s engineering team designed the DuraTrack HZ to efficiently mount the project’s 89,000 Jinko modules. In addition, ATI’s project management team has been operating hand-in-hand with E.ON to provide logistics and installation support throughout the three-month build. In order to ensure reliable performance and maximum uptime over 30 years, the flexibly linked tracker blocks have been configured to minimize the number of potential failure points per MW, such as motors and controllers.

“E.ON brings a long and successful history of renewable development, ownership and operational experience to the table,” said Thomas Conroy, president of Array Technologies. “We look forward to partnering with E.ON in the future to advance solar energy initiatives in the U.S. and around the world.”

The DuraTrack HZ tracking system at Maricopa West is slated to be commissioned as early as October with site interconnection scheduled shortly thereafter.

This isn’t E.ON’s first project with ATI’s DuraTrack HZ single-axis horizontal tracker. The two companies worked together on the 2 MW (ac) Alamo Solar Park, which E.ON recently sold to Dominion, one of the largest U.S. producers and transporters of energy. Alamo Solar Park is located near the town of Oro Grande, California, and was completed in 2014.

Solar Power World

SolarCity-manufactured solar panel certified at 22% efficiency


SolarCity has built the world’s most efficient rooftop solar panel, with a module efficiency exceeding 22 percent. The new SolarCity panel generates more power per square foot and harvests more energy over a year than any other rooftop panel in production, and will be the highest volume solar panel manufactured in the Western Hemisphere.

SolarCity will begin producing the first modules in small quantities this month at its 100 MW pilot facility, but the majority of the new solar panels will ultimately be produced at SolarCity’s 1 GW facility in Buffalo, New York. SolarCity expects to be producing between 9,000 – 10,000 solar panels each day with similar efficiency when the Buffalo facility reaches full capacity.

SolarCity’s panel was measured with 22.04 percent module-level efficiency by Renewable Energy Test Center, a third-party certification testing provider for photovoltaic and renewable energy products. SolarCity’s new panel—created via a proprietary process that significantly reduces the manufacturing cost relative to other high-efficiency technologies—is the same size as standard efficiency solar panels, but produces 30-40 percent more power. SolarCity’s panel also performs better than other modules in high temperatures, which allows it to produce even more energy on an annual basis than other solar panels of comparable size.

SolarCity initially expects to install the new, record-setting solar panel on rooftops and carports for homes, businesses, schools and other organizations, but it will also be excellent for utility-scale solar fields and other large-scale, ground level installations.

Solar Power World

Volvo Group’s Hagerstown MD site hosts parking lot solar canopy


Volvo Group North America’s Hagerstown, Maryland powertrain manufacturing facility today dedicated a new parking lot solar canopy structure that generates clean, renewable electricity, while keeping vehicles protected from the weather. The Volvo Group partnered with ConEdison Solutions and Entropy Solar Integrators on the design and installation of the solar canopy, which is among the largest on the U.S. east coast.

“The solar canopy is a great example of the importance the Volvo Group places on environmental care, which has been one of our core values for many years,” said Pierre Jenny, Volvo Group vice president of powertrain production. “Working together with ConEdison Solutions and Entropy, we’re now able to convert energy from the sun into clean electricity to help power some of our operations.”

Covering the plant’s entire north parking lot, the solar canopy contains approximately 5,000 solar panels and produces 1.3 megawatts of electricity. Electricity generated by the canopy is delivered directly to the facility, helping to offset the plant’s electrical demand. Because solar panels emit zero emissions, energy produced by the solar canopy is equivalent to eliminating the annual greenhouse gas emissions of 236 average passenger vehicles, according to Entropy.

Entropy began installation and construction of the solar canopy in the fall of 2014. The solar canopy was completed during the summer of 2015. The Volvo Group entered into a 20-year contract with ConEdison Solutions to purchase electricity generated by the solar canopy.

“We are proud to work with Volvo Group and to help the company move a step forward in their vision to become a world leader in sustainable transportation through this significant project,” said Michael Gibson, vice president, energy services for ConEdison Solutions. “Volvo is setting an excellent example for manufacturers nationwide regarding the benefits of renewable energy installations like this solar canopy in Hagerstown, which will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the use of fossil fuels.”

Solar canopies are one of the fastest-growing segments of the solar market today. They take advantage of large expanses of parking lot space, typically available at commercial or industrial facilities, to produce electricity from solar photovoltaic panels. The panels are mounted to carport-like frames situated over parking spaces to provide parked vehicles shelter from the elements.

“Entropy is proud to have delivered this great project for Volvo Group North America’s Hagerstown facility. By converting their parking area to a solar energy system, they are not only generating clean energy, they are also keeping the hot sun off of their employees’ cars and protecting them from snow and ice in the winter months,” said Erik Lensch, managing director at Entropy. “As one of the largest solar parking canopies on the east coast, this complex project will be providing benefits to Volvo for decades to come.”

The Volvo Group’s Hagerstown facility has been active in improving its energy efficiency. In late 2014, the site was named a Superior Energy Performance® Platinum-Certified Partner, the highest level in the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) program. The facility also participates in the DOE’s Better Buildings, Better Plants program, which has a target to reduce energy intensity by 25 percent over a 10-year period.

Solar Power World

Four reasons community microgrids are a good idea


This blog was originally published on obg.com.

It is clear why city leaders are turning their attention to community microgrids. Energy is the lifeblood of any contemporary community, and severe storms in recent years have revealed the vulnerability of the central grid.

Taking into account the priorities of city leaders—infrastructure, finance and economic development—here are four good reasons for cities and towns to pursue microgrids from our new report with Microgrid Knowledge and the International District Energy Association, “Community Microgrids: A Guide for Mayors and City Leaders Seeking Clean, Reliable and Locally Controlled Energy.”


1. Community microgrids keep the lights on in a crisis

Microgrids are characterized by their ability to separate or island from the central grid. They can halt their flow of power to the grid, or from the grid at any time. This spares the microgrid and its customers from also becoming victim to a power failure moving along the grid.

When it islands, the microgrid turns on its on-site generation to send power to its customers. In community microgrids, customers are likely to be critical service facilities; possibly police, fire, hospitals, grocery stores, or gas stations.

Community members who have lost power know that they can travel inside the microgrid’s borders for medical care, shelter, food. During a power outage, San Diego Gas & Electric contacted customers who had medical conditions and invited them to go to a cool zone, set up at a resort in Borrego Springs, the site of a microgrid that serves 2,800 customers.

Sometimes the microgrid’s services are less tangible, but equally important in a crisis. A Whole Foods in Brooklyn designed a community microgrid as a place of refuge for people to gather, exchange information, charge phones and get in touch with distant family members, who may be worried about their well-being.

2. Community microgrids can strengthen the central grid

Microgrids offer benefits beyond keeping the lights on during power outages. They can help the central grid function better.

For example, during extreme hot and cold weather, the central grid sometimes becomes overtaxed. The microgrid can ‘shed load’ during these periods to ease strain on the central grid. This means that the central grid stops transmitting power to certain facilities and the microgrid takes over.

Depending on where in the U.S. it is located, a community microgrid may be allowed to provide other “ancillary” services for the central grid, such as helping to maintain the grid’s ideal frequency.

Or a microgrid may participate in a demand response program, where utilities or grid operators call upon the microgrid (and other participating customers) to temporarily reduce their energy consumption. This occurs when short-term power prices spike or a power outage appears imminent. Microgrids receive financial compensation for these grid services.

Last, but certainly equally crucial, a microgrid offers grid security in the face of a growing number of cyberattacks. Homeland Security has reported that foreign hackers are targeting the U.S. energy infrastructure. This is one of the reasons the military has been at the forefront of microgrid development.

The U.S. grid is particularly vulnerable because much of it is interconnected, like one large machine. Damage can cascade for miles, knocking out power to not just city-after city, but also state-after-state. The U.S. experienced such an event in August 2003, when 55 million people in the Northeast, Midwest and Canada lost power. Unfortunately, few microgrids existed then.

3. Microgrids can enhance community economics

Microgrids can strengthen community economics several ways — from attracting new businesses to reducing electricity rates.

Energy is a main input in pricing of most goods and services. Microgrids offer a means to help keep electricity rates in check through better grid management. This occurs in several ways.

First, good development practice dictates that buildings within a microgrid undergo cost-effective energy efficiency improvements. This reduces the need for power within the microgrid, so it cuts back on fuel and other generation-related costs.

Second, some microgrids are designed to serve areas of the grid experiencing an overload. The microgrid may offer a less costly solution than construction of new substations or transmission and distribution lines. Several of these ‘non-wire alternative’ microgrids are now being planned in New York.

In addition, advanced controllers and software allow microgrids to operate in a highly efficient—and therefore cost-effective manner. Many community microgrids also make use of valuable heat discarded and wasted in conventional power plants, which improves their economics and bankability.

Last, by easing energy costs, microgrids offer cities and towns competitive advantage in attracting industry and jobs.

It’s important to note that the presence and proximity of a community microgrid also can help draw industries that are sensitive to power outages, such as data centers, research facilities, pharmaceutical manufacturers and other high tech industries. These industries seek what is known as five ‘nines’ electricity, meaning that power is available 99.999 percent of the time. Cities and towns that offer that level of reliability will find themselves better positioned to compete when these highly sought-after businesses are seeking a new location.

4. Microgrids improve the environment

Foster renewable energy
Many cities are attempting to incorporate renewable energy into their energy mix. Some have set specific goals. Phoenix, for example, intends to make renewable energy 15 percent of its mix by 2025. Some are even striving to become 100 percent renewable—and succeeding. The town of Greensburg, Kansas, now gets all of its electricity from renewables after being rebuilt following its almost total destruction from a tornado in 2007.

Microgrids can help these cities more easily incorporate renewable energy in two ways.

First, many microgrids include renewables, in particular solar, which has become increasingly appealing because of its falling costs and low carbon footprint.

There is a downside to solar and other forms of renewable energy; they can’t always be counted on to produce energy. The sun doesn’t always shine and the wind doesn’t always blow. But microgrids with advanced controllers and more than one generation source can accommodate this variability; they are able to select the best mix of resources—without human intervention. Based on weather forecasting and other factors, the microgrid selects and uses the mix of generation that works best at any given time.

Microgrids also can play a role in assisting the larger grid with its integration of renewable generation. The microgrid can act as a backup resource on the grid when solar and wind farms do not produce power. And as demonstrated at the Princeton University microgrid, a natural gas turbine generator can react and respond quickly to an unforeseen voltage sag caused by a dense cloud passing over a 4.5 MW solar farm.

Help cities meet climate goals
Climate change is a growing concern among municipal leaders, especially those who are along the coasts or who have experienced recent severe weather. Some cities have set greenhouse gas reduction goals.

Boston, for example, is striving to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 25 percent by 2020 and 80 percent by 2050, mirroring a mandate the state of Massachusetts has set for itself. As part of its plan, the city is encouraging development of more microgrids that use CHP and district energy. These would add to the city’s district energy networks operated by Veolia, which serve about 250 commercial and government buildings, hospitals, universities and other institutions. The network spans 45 million square feet in Boston and the Longwood Medical Area as well as the biotechnology corridor of Cambridge.

More cities are expected to do the same, as a way to help their states develop strategies that will be required under the Environmental Protection Agency’s pending Clean Power Plan.

Interestingly, in trying to achieve these goals, cities may also reduce their electric rates, if they pursue a systems approach that incorporates CHP connected to microgrids. That’s one idea explored in a new report, “Smart Tools in a 111(d) Toolbox: Combined Heat and Power (CHP) and District Energy.”

“District energy and CHP, coupled together, offer buildings an incredibly flexible and cost-effective local solution to meet onsite energy needs, while also providing considerable emissions reduction benefits,” said report author, Anna Chittum, Manager, Strategic Initiatives at the International District Energy Association (IDEA).

As the reports notes, CHP and DE could be excellent compliance options for states.

“CHP systems have always offered a way to do more with a single fuel input, offering a greater ‘bang for the buck’ while simultaneously reducing emissions intensity. They utilize much more of the useful energy of their fuels, often more than twice as much. In other words, they burn far less fuel to supply the same amount of energy, making their energy inherently less emissions-intensive.”

Given these four good reasons to build community microgrids — electric reliability, grid strengthening, economic advantage, and environmental improvement—we’re likely to soon see many more microgrids in U.S. cities and towns. But how will communities pay for these microgrids? We survey the options in the next article in this series.

Solar Power World

SolarEdge updates solar inverters


1) New SE33.3k and SE14.4k Three Phase Inverters

SolarEdge is extending its commercial offering with the launch of SE14.4K and SE33.3K three-phase inverters. These inverters are meant to minimize the number of required inverters and to improve system ROI. All inverters have integrated safety, monitoring, and communication features.

Designed to operate with SolarEdge commercial power optimizers, the P600 and P700, the inverters can allow up to 2.5 times longer strings compared to traditional inverters.

The SE14.4KUS inverter supports the 120/208V WYE and 208V Delta grids, and the SE33.3KUS inverter supports the 277/480V WYE grid.

The new inverters come with an integrated DC Safety Switch that offers support for 3 fused DC strings input (plus & minus).

Like all SolarEdge inverters, the new inverters have a standard 12-year warranty, extendable to 20 or 25 years.

2) SE9KUS inverters can now be connected to 208V Delta grids

How: The inverter has two fuse holders, a fuse and a dummy fuse. The position of the fuse configures the AC grid connection:

By default it’s in the WYE fuse holder.
Before connecting the inverter to a Delta grid, the fuse should be moved to the Delta fuse holder.
The Delta/WYE fuse doubles as an AC surge protection fuse for the auxiliary power supply

It is field replaceable.


3) All inverters can now be mounted horizontally

SolarEdge three phase inverters can be installed horizontally (above 10° tilt) as well as vertically, and at any tilt over 10° up to 90°.

Horizontally mounted inverters can be installed under or near the modules, thus saving roof space and minimizing shading on the installation surface.


4) All inverters will ship with a new, updated bracket

Here are some tips that we wanted to share to improve installation efficiencies in using the new bracket:

For uneven surfaces like slanted siding, use spacers to straighten the bracket – refer to manual for details.
For pole mounting, first install a back sheet spanning the width of the inverter.

Removal of Grounding Terminal from Optimizer Bracket

Following the May 2015 introduction of the new SolarEdge power optimizer grounding lug, which is attached to the optimizer using the optimizer mounting bolt, the grounding terminal is being removed from the optimizer bracket. This terminal was used for connecting the old grounding lug to the optimizer and is therefore no longer needed.

Contact your distributor for shipping information.

Solar Power World

ILSCO introduces line of anti-turn mechanical connectors


ilscoILSCO offers aluminum mechanical lugs (Type ATTA and ATAU) with an anti-rotation feature that reduces the risk of movement at installation.

The connectors are manufactured from high strength aluminum alloy and are suitable for use with copper or aluminum conductor. The chamfered wire entry simplifies conductor insertion. Different configurations are available, one or two wire port design with various hex size options, to suit a variety of application needs. This offering is UL Listed and CSA Certified.


Solar Power World

Nautilus Solar announces management buyout backed by Virgo Investment Group

Nautilus Solar Energy, a full service solar solutions provider in the United States and Canada, led by Jim Rice, CEO and Laura Stern, President, has announced an investment and partnership in the company by Virgo Investment Group, L.P. Virgo is backing a management buyout of Nautilus from an investment affiliate of Starwood Energy Group Global, LLC.
Nautilus is a leading, full service solar solutions provider serving the commercial and industrial (C&I) markets. Nautilus also offers a suite of asset management functions designed to enhance system performance, mitigate risk and protect value for solar asset owners. The Nautilus team has constructed or managed over $400 million in solar systems throughout the United States and Canadasince its formation nearly a decade ago, representing over 100 megawatts in nearly 80 different projects.  Virgo’s investment comes at a strategic time for Nautilus as more end-users are adopting distributed solar as an alternative to utility-provided power. As part of the agreement, Nautilus and Virgo will establish a dedicated finance vehicle to acquire and own distributed solar projects, as well as a funding facility for development and construction activities.
“The Virgo investment will allow Nautilus to further secure our robust position within the distributed solar development industry and gives us more flexibility to design, construct and manage our own assets while capturing growing demand,” said Jim Rice, CEO of Nautilus Solar Energy. “We are thrilled to have Virgo as an equity and project funding partner. We look forward to working with Virgo as we expand Nautilus Solar’s footprint.”
“Our strategy at Virgo is to support growing businesses in attractive market seams such as distributed generation. I joined Virgo earlier this year because I was confident that we could find experienced managers with deep industry relationships, such as the Nautilus team, and support these operators with Virgo’s creative financial capital and experienced human capital,” said Eli Aheto, a Partner at Virgo who leads the Firm’s energy investments. With this transaction Virgo will appoint Eli as a Director, and Perry Cole as a Director and the Chairman of the Board.  Perry joined Virgo as a Senior Advisor and Operating Partner to source and support transactions in the energy sector after a distinguished and diverse 35 year career focused on the energy industry including 10 years in energy private equity. “I am excited to work with Jim, Laura and the entire Nautilus team to grow and expand their business in a dynamic and exciting industry,” said Cole.

Solar Power World

“Floating” Arizona medical office boasts solar


The “Parasol Building” is a glassy building that appears to float over the side of a massive foothill ledge in Tucson, Arizona. It houses a dental office, among other medical businesses, but perhaps its most interesting attribute is its solar PV canopy. 

parasol project

Situated on a long and narrow ‘aircraft carrier’ site, the Parasol Building straddles the hillside of a local wash in the Tucson Valley of Arizona. Composed of two bridge structures, the building literally steps lightly upon the site by cantilevering the bridge structures upon pylons and a minimal concrete base. A steel canopy holds an array of photovoltaics while shading the majority of the building.  The 134-KVA solar PV system feeds back to grid and uses three 14-kW Chint Power inverters with 208Vac output and dual MPPTs. DECK monitoring is fully integrated with the inverters. The array generates energy while also providing rooftop shade. First American Solar Design developed and installed the project, with lead designer Duane Delarco working on PV, inverters and data monitoring for the project.

Velvet mesquite tree

The project’s architect Mark Harris was inspired by the shade canopy of the velvet mesquite tree.

Borrowing its construction delivery techniques from industrial and automotive design, the project’s major elements are designed as a series of components that are manufactured under rigorous factory conditions and assembled on-site, according to architect and designer Mark Harris.  This can afford lower initial construction cost and time per building classification, lower construction waste, lower maintenance cost, lower energy consumption, greater floor area efficiency, lower overall footprint and site disturbance and can use predominantly U.S.-sourced materials.

-John Sanders

Other than solar, the building features additional sustainability elements including LED lighting throughout with occupancy sensors, high-performance insulated metal panels, low VOC paints and finishes, high-performance glazing, natural light harvesting, high-efficiency zone-controlled HVAC with heat re-capture, low-volume and auto-shutoff plumbing fixtures, full pipe insulation throughout, Oasis black-water treatment to feed irrigation, TPO reflective roofing, rain-screen shading of primary building facades and double-door entries to minimize heat gain/loss.


-John Sanders



Solar Power World

What are some benefits of a centralized approach in small utility solar projects?

Photo courtesy of Yaskawa—Solectria Solar

Photo courtesy of Yaskawa—Solectria Solar

Using high-capacity string inverters for small utility scale projects (less than 50 MW) has become a recent trend. However, there are still advantages to using central inverters for these projects.

Commissioning and maintenance: Commissioning and maintenance time and cost generally increase with the number of inverters .Because small utility projects usually require less units when using central inverters rather than string, commissioning can take less time for projects with central inverters. “During commissioning, every inverter needs DC input and AC output voltages verified, terminal torques confirmed and Modbus communications ID set,” said Eric Every, senior applications engineer at Yaskawa—Solectria Solar. “Additional time is necessary if there are specific voltage and frequency, or power factor settings required in the interconnection agreement.”

“Commissioning and preventative maintenance costs can increase significantly when there is a factor of ten more inverters in the PV plant,” Every continued. “If the string inverters have the same failure rate as central inverters, there will be ten times the number of service visits.”

Traditional central inverters require such onsite technician visits to order replacement parts and perform repair. But some new models have modular power converters that allow field replacement from those with little training, which minimizes lost energy production due to downtime.

“Economy of scale still comes into play in large utility scale projects when it comes to central inverter applications,” said Martin Beran, head of system support in Fronius’s Solar Energy Division. “Multi-watt installations create vast distances for the crews to cover to keep the system in good operating condition. Usually pathways are well developed and trucks can pull up right to the inverter pad. Therefore, bigger components and crews needed for servicing are not such an issue as on smaller sites. Difficult ground conditions, such as soft, muddy soil, might favor centralized power conversion from an O&M point of view. Also, a failing unit does not create such tremendous impact on energy production in large scale systems compared to single-digit-megawatt PV plants.”

Projects with long circuit runs: If circuit length exceeds about 250 ft Every noted it’s more cost effective to install DC circuits over AC circuits. Since the AC conductors operate at 480V they require larger conductors to achieve 1% voltage drop. “Keeping voltage drop low is important because voltage drop equates to system energy loss,” he said. “For utility-scale PV plants that require long runs, lower conductor costs make centralized solutions with combiner boxes much more attractive.”

System control and anti-islanding coordination: There are significantly less inverters to monitor and control when using central inverters. “These projects will typically use a plant master controller to provide a single communication interface with the utility,” Every explained. “That controller then distributes commands to all of the inverters. System control becomes more complicated and costly as the number of inverters increases. Also, anti-islanding coordination is more difficult with a higher inverter count.” Anti-islanding refers to detecting islanding—times when a distributed generator continues to power a location even when the electrical grid power from the utility is not present—and stopping power production since this can be dangerous to utility workers.



Solar Power World

California winery now run 100% on solar


Niner Wine Estates, a LEED-certified, family-owned winery in Paso Robles’ new Willow Creek sub appellation, announced the winery has installed a solar array on its Heart Hill property that will provide 100% of the electrical power needs of the winery, tasting room and restaurant.

Niner Wine Estates (PRNewsFoto/Niner Wine Estates)

Niner Wine Estates

Installation was carried out by REC Solar, which has completed similar arrays at other California wineries and businesses.

“It’s really just another step in an ongoing process of figuring out how to make our business more environmentally sustainable,” said winery president Andy Niner.  Niner added that the winery owns all of its own vineyards, recycles all of its waste water, and now has an on-site restaurant that will utilize fruits, vegetables, eggs and even wheat grown on the estate property.  What they don’t grow themselves is sourced by Executive Chef Maegen Loring locally.

For Niner, the cost of solar is less about being part of a trend than it is about living up to the ideals upon which the winery was originally founded: “It goes along with our focus on ‘estate,’ says Andy Niner.  “We own all of our own vineyards, we make all of our wine on-site and are developing our own estate food program.  Controlling wine quality over the long-term is all about improving the quality of our land and limiting negative impacts on the environment.”

Founded by Richard Niner in 2001, Niner Wine Estates produces a wide range of varietal wines from their three estate vineyard sites in San Luis Obispo County.  In addition to their main LEED-certified facility, the family has a small “winery-within-a-winery” designed entirely for the production of Chardonnay and Pinot Noir from their Edna Valley property.

Facts about the Niner Wine Estates Project:
Contractor: REC Solar, San Luis Obispo, Calif.
Arrays: Ground-based next to the tasting room generates 156 kW
Roof-mounted on the main winery generates 203 kW
Annual Production: Over 600,000 MWh (100% of winery needs)
Over 25 years, the clean energy generated by the Niner solar systems is equivalent to
–   Greenhouse gas emissions from 2,988 tons of waste sent to a landfill
–   Greenhouse gas emissions from 1,755 passenger vehicles
–   CO2 emissions from 938,007 gallons of gasoline burned
–   CO2 emissions from 761 homes’ energy use for one year
–   Carbon sequestered by 6,833 acres of forest in one year


Solar Power World

IHS raises global 2015 solar PV forecast to 69 GW


Global solar photovoltaic (PV) demand will reach 59 GW in 2015, an increase over the previous solar-PV demand forecast released in June 2015, according to IHS Inc. The company now expects global solar installations to grow by 33 percent this year, which is the fastest growth rate since 2011.

unnamedIHS also raised its 2016 forecast by more than 2 GW to 65 GW, for two main reasons: first, an acceleration of projects in the United States, ahead of the solar investment tax credit (ITC) expiration; and, second, faster growth in China, led by a likely increase in long-term government targets. While growth will drop to a moderate 12 percent in 2016, solar PV installations will still surpass 65 GW that year, with total installed global capacity exceeding 300 GW,according to the latest information in the Downstream PV Intelligence Service from IHS Technology

“IHS Technology already had one of the most bullish forecasts in the industry,” said Ash Sharma, senior research director for IHS. “But due to accelerated and expanded deployment in the United States, as well as in China, India and other countries in Asia, our forecast has increased further.”

Solar Power World

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