SunSystem Technology announced that it has completed installation of a commercial PV solar system installation for Pizza Guys at their headquarters in Rancho Cordova, California. Pizza Guys is a franchise organization with 64 retail outlets across 3 western states.
“We think renewable energy is the wave of the future and we decided to start with our corporate headquarters in Sacramento,”said Shahriar Nejad, director of real estate development for Pizza Guys. “We are looking to expand the use of renewable energy at each of our 64 locations throughout California, Nevada, and Oregon. Pursuant to that mission, working with SST has been a smart business decision for us; our newly installed system is the first step in many steps of working together to reduce our carbon footprint.”
SST installed a 68.8-kW rooftop PV solar system to the corporate headquarters. In addition to offices, the facility includes a training center for instructing franchisees in the company’s proprietary recipes and cooking techniques to ensure customers receive the same premium quality pizza experience at each of their locations.
The system is divided into two interconnections with 11 kW feeding lighting requirements and the balance feeding the headquarters electrical needs.
“Pizza Guys is a wonderful company,” said Mehrad Saidi, CFO for SST. “While touring their operations I was provided a view into their company’s dedication to excellence. Our companies share the same companywide commitment to quality that’s reflected in our final products.”
Pizza Guys’ completed system was commissioned by SunSystem Technology on February 6th. The system offsets 100% of their KWh usage, providing a dramatic reduction in their annual electrical expense.
News item from SunSystem Technology